Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fabric Paint with Stencils

vinyl stencil
fabric painting
fabric painting with vinyl stencils

Rather than making a graphic t-shirt with a bleach pen, you can use fabric paint. Fabric paint comes in so many different packages and a safe way to paint on fabric is to go slow and use a foam brush. Again this is very kid friendly as long as you monitor how much fabric paint is used (you don't want to slather too much on).

By the way, all paint and bleach will bleed to the other side of the t-shirt unless you place cardboard or another thick object between layers of fabric.

Next time we will talk about another type of fabric paint. Fabric Spray Paint!!

Make your own custom stencil here!
*Note: When ordering, it does not matter which color vinyl you use, so might as well choose a color that is discounted like red, yellow, or green.

vinyl stencil



  1. [...] I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Here is a picture of Lalia is one of her new shirts that we made using the vinyl stencils. This one was painted using regular fabric paint. [...]

  2. [...] this type of paint is a little trickier than the previous stencil posts (bleach pens, regular fabric paint). I used fabric spray paint from Tulip, and I did mess up the first time, let me show you [...]
